Q Green is the color of hope,
blue of the sky,
red of the eye,
if you can't see
mikey my favorite color. the cliche' is because im irish. really has nothing to do with it..or maybe it does? who nose. i love green. green makes me think of nature, trees and like after it rains everything is GREEN! green reminds me of North Carolina i loved living there. driving along the highways all youd see were pine trees! well until we got to the marine bases and youd see tanks crossing the roads..but still!

im green with envy. whered this saying come from?

green is pleasing. making love on a blanket on green grass. id love to make love in the rain in a green field on a warm spring day.

i need more green in my room. just realized i have none. what was i thinking? my room is all black and wood. or chinese or japanese writings or paintings..which of course i do love. maybe why i have no GREEN!

I LOVE YOU GREEN! if there is someone out there named Green no i dont love you!
nocturnal I thought I told you to stop this. green is my favourite colour, you can't have it. hehe. let's see if we can find something we disagree on. 010306
mikey mine !!! 010306
nocturnal I'll fight ya for it. Well, if you're the kind of guy that would hit a poor defenseless girl like myself. 010306
mikey i dont hit girls so you win =o(

:::puppy sad face:::
:::sad lil puppy eyes::::
::whimper whine whine::::
nocturnal aw, how cute. you're such a good guy. 010306
mikey read my explanation on how to start your own blather thread nocturnal? im waiting to respond make something! 010306
dB Green. Natives. Native plants that is. It's my escape. I'm a landscaper in my spare time (what little there is these days). I work with Natives rather than poncy flowers and crap, so everything is my gardens is a montage of greens. it's very relaxing. 010306
nocturnal now I'm upset. I just went to a coffee house with a friend of mine and the subject of colours somehow came up. anyway, he says his favourite colour is, you guessed it, GREEN! I said that's too bad, I own it and only one other person is allowed to share that ownership. he said I had no right to claim a colour. unfortunately he's as stubborn as I am and I don't think he'll give it up. 010306
lil cricket I prefer purple, myself 010307
mikey purple is good. 99% of all my female friends love purple. hey Noct' whats your friends email i'll send him a fake copyright of the color GREEN or something. make it look neat.

appendix 123.99 B
the hereby declared persons Nocturnal and Mikey from the date set fourth and hereby known as March 6th in the year 2001 will and do have sole ownership and rights to the color GREEN.

Copyright 2001 M & N (tm)
nocturnal wierd, I hate purple. one of my 3 most hated colours actually. I'll send you his email in an email if you don't mind. he'd get pissed if I put it up on a public site like this. 010307
nocturnal man, ryan's such a loser. 010308
mikey loser why? 010308
nocturnal because he refuses to give up green. I don't like when my friends don't do as I command. :) 010308
mikey well i tried to help =o(

its a conspiracy! a revolt! TO ARMS TO ARMS!
soia I can feel you waiting for me and there's no green in the poem
I was just thinking green
and this isn't a poem
a prose
funny how most things aren't prose unless they're secretly trying to be poetry
because I scoff at the attempts at putting feelings into words
but I do it every day
I'm the biggest hypocrite
hippycrite- thought that was so profound while stoned
possibly every minute of my life was stoned
possibly many times no drugs were in my body, my body was making its own
how do you manage straight edge then?
I recognize the violence between the lines in the hard kore
if you think your adrenaline is not a drug you're severely.... not me
I'll stand by what I think always
but every day makes me realize more that I do not know everything
I will back down more easily every day
maybe I'll never be what anyone is looking for
but I don't want to be the focus of infautation because I'm fucked up
I want it to be because I'm whole and figured out and wise
splinken my least favorite color. 010614
moonshine Thrice upon a time 011009
ignore sphinxradio a green blather would be fun.
or purple.
or maybe yellow.
shades of grey?
fallen chartreuse.......mmmmm.....I hereby drink a shot or two just for you.....all my fellow blathering blatherskites 020202
yoink i want green 020817
ellipsisThe4th GREEN IS MINE! I know squibbly jib, I are Oddity the Light Goddess of Randomosity, therefore, green belongs to me and only me. My precious. No touch, any of you. *shoots nocturnal and mikey with the flaming cow launcher*

Moo is mine as well.
crOwl when i asked anna, my 4 year-old ski school student what team color she wanted to be, she said, "green, like a watermelon not cut." 070117
flux and water, and a beautiful face. 070118
green tshirt myrtle
forrest or
lulie can't be found on the ground. 081225
lulie can't be found on the ground. 081225
kerry i painted my studio green. the paint sample said something about picnics or crickets, and as i first ran the paint rollers along the wall, paint crackling so faintly like rice crispies-- i began to doubt green, was it too much of a commitment, how do i really feel about green? what does green mean? but i continued and only left a couple of drips, easy to hide behind the floral armless armchair and the bookshelf.

in the afternoon the green is a bit softer, more sedate. it is a gentle space, despite the perpetual mess. the floor is covered in photos and papers and cords, bits and bobs, and i'm relaxing under a lettuce leaf.

when the sun is rising over the yellow house across the alley it is bright, refreshing, glows like green tea. and
in the late evening the plaster walls are like rich green matcha and it is a small room where the door is always closed and i can put a book in its place on the shelf--i should--or i could leave it open on the chair, on the desk, more likely on the floor.

visitors are not allowed at night in this room--the green walls at that point are still glowing but it's a deeper, cooler glow, more intense, more private, and only i am allowed to remain within it.
unhinged green tara

the tara of explicit action

i supplicate her
i feel stirred
what's it to you?
who go