birdmad lab created diamond cut glass drill bit
saw blade
mohs scale
etch a sketch glass acid
depleted uranium armor and ammunition

soia core 010625
silentbobfuckyou pretending to be happy in an already fucked up situation 010715
no reason things are hard
and i am hard on myself
no reason maybe i'm hard on others because of what i expect from myself 100225
no reason or maybe not
i don't even know
belly fire finding it difficult to find my own words...
nobody said it was easy
it's such a shame for us to part
nobody said it was easy
no one ever said it would be so hard
I'm battling the trifecta of change, guilt and loss.
uoasI What makes it harder and harder each time I leave is that it's not just you I miss now, I miss your family.

You looked at me and whispered softly; you are family
tender_square "we went through the hard stuff already," he soothed. i couldn't control my tears as i was leaving.

the day's events were toppling dominoes, swiftly nudged when the list of things to do ran out. my body busy and diligent mind warding off grief's cumulative pinpricks.

we cleared out the old house of last-minute leave behinds. he swept the crumbs of shared meals from the floorboards that held us up when we couldn't hold ourselves. i showed him how to anchor his new life to the plaster walls with tape, a pencil, and some patience; how to hold the drill when its threads sliced what seemed solid. spent my aesthetics dressing up a house i'll never live in, in the quaintest fucking neighbourhood, a bubble of perfection that bursts as i accelerate on the gas pedal and peel away.
what's it to you?
who go