silentbob nil 010311
mikey wisdom 010311
johnny west life 010311
dB experience is not necessary. You need only to observe. 010311
johnny west And, through observation, you learn through the mistakes/triumphs of others. You learn to do as they do...or to do the opposite...or to do nothing. 010311
mikey wisdom is taking advice whether you like to hear it or not 010311
dB Wisdom is knowing how to observe, and then knowing how to interpret what you have just seen. 010311
mikey ignorance is bliss 010311
dB Nope. ignorance is just ignorance. nothing more. 010311
mikey thats coming from someone whos not ignorant. 010311
dB True. But neither are you. Bliss is for those who are unaware, and it would seem that you don't fall into that category. 010311
brown cardigan boy burnt finger tips, who can resist even the first taste, when we've been warned about something we turn into giant rusty mothes who want to consume themselves with the open flame, at any chance that two seconds of perfection, beauty and bliss is worth more than the clouds stuffed in our ears the next morning. if we live only for the moment, does that make us happier? 010312
Aimee I've experienced somethings, but I'm waiting to get to the good stuff.. I guess in the meantime I may as well enjoy the mediocre stuff too... 010312
dean-bean Do! Do! Stop thinking, stop waiting, and DO! Hear that whistling sound? Its life whooshing by! Bye! It'll be too late! To late, to late, will be the cry, when youth and vigor have passed you by!
CrAzYpInKmOnKeY you look into the
abyss of modern-day
life ready to suck
down any bright-eyed
happy people anywhere
and then you think..
experience is only
important if youre on
a set track..
who wants to be on that?
so there is always room
for learning.
pilgrim Even Unconsciousness is an Experience,
You just can't Remember the Details.
pilgrim Even Unconsciosness is an Experience,
You just can't Remember the Details.
pralines&cream Brush your hands across my skin,
fill me up so good within,
and let me drown myself in your touches, and let me drown myself in your hands, and let me drown myself in your smiles, and in your eyes, and in your lust.

Then let me karate kick you
into the wall,
through the wall,
and watch you land on your ass.
silentbob it's like you're falling in love while i just fall apart 020824
user24 everyone's experience of life is different.
One cannot assume that everyone thinks the way you do.
There is not even a way of proving anyone else exists, much less that they are copies of yourself.
what's it to you?
who go