raze i always feel like when a child looks at you, that's when you're really being seen for the first time, by eyes that have no filters or prejudices. eyes that don't project or assume. they simply see what's in front of them, and study it, and find beauty in it. and there's something powerful about that. 130214
cooper rasha west, what a clever observation. fortunately, i see this gaze six days a week! children see me as a madman, cuckoobird perhaps, but that's ok, because everyone needs a little theatre, right? 130214
kerry i like to sit in the back seat of the car. maybe it seems antisocial, but in the back i can be quiet and run my eyes over the landscape like impossibly long legs sprinting--half-listen to the conversation up front, tap my toe to the song in my head.

thursday night, flying down broad street, spotted:

boats made of yarn and strung on a cyclone fence
a man with a pointy gray beard leaning in the doorway of the alchemy store
pale orange sky behind blue clouds
slushies for $8 (seems steep to me?)

and what a lovely surprise at a red light, in the drizzle, a figure in a blue poncho playing my_favorite_things with a trumpet.
what's it to you?
who go