kyla interesting things can be said about this,
and many not so interesting things
WANNA BE A MARTYR< SON? there are 3 kinds of intercourse

1. making love - extremely intimate and containing a deep feeling of affection towards another person; commitment required

2. playful - where you're just in it to have good healthy fun with another person; commitment optional

3. FUCKING - what pornstars do, lots of pounding, screaming, scratching. basically everything kinky; commitment optional, but not reccommended for long term relationships....exceptions occur
vega each of those has a good time and place and they're all insanely fun. 030524
pallor i will fuck you like you will not believe. 130123
unhinged i hate porn but i like to fuck; i don't know what to call what porn stars do but i guess to me it isn't fucking

fucking is sex that makes me say dirty things before i even realize the words are coming out of my mouth, when my higher brain shuts down because it feels too good for my brain to waste energy on things like thinking
thwa one of the most sincere pleasures of life. 140607
what's it to you?
who go