epitome of incomprehensibility I have a chronic condition, but my term, more recently terminal, is dead.

I have slain it, belatedly. Vedic Sansrkit was the final blow.

Do I mourn? A little. Contrarily. I kind of miss the impetus to immerse myself in a different language.

Well, German begins June 23 and the prof ISN'T the terribly strict one, and I get to travel even if I'm slightly afraid of airplanes and a bit sad about carbon impact.

But how else will you get across the Atlantic quickly? People should have developed dirigeables...slower, but more environmentally friendly...just make sure the type of air is inert. Was that what went wrong with the Hindenburg, why it burst into flame? And then a reporter watching it exclaimed "Oh, the humanity!" so tracing that back to its source made it not so funny anymore, since refers to actual people and not just some abstract notion of human-ness.

Anyway, I'm free! as a bird!

(except now I have late stuff for taxes and I'm never late with taxes and there are people I need to get back to and...)
epitome of incomprehensibility Correction: Sanskrit. Although Sansrkt SOUNDS more Sanskritty: saṃskṛta. See? Bring back the syllabic R, I say.

Tumblr, Grindr, etc.: We already did.

Apparently not Tinder, though. I looked up "tinder app spelling" and found an article called "Tinder Typos: How Language Errors Influence Attractiveness."
what's it to you?
who go