distorted tendencies Gives me a headache. I'm so tired. And we're so tired. Why do we even go on? 011224
blown cherry and the human race in general has been the biggest disappointment of my life. There are a few exceptions to this, but how can they be expected to bloom in such an oppressive and dumb environment as humanity provides. 020214
pilgrim Right with You on that Cherry girl.
It seem to Me that The World would be a Finer place without the Stupidity of Humankind Gumming up the works.
We are given Fine minds, capable of preceiving such Subtlty, Only to have them crushed under the weight of Consumer Driven Madness.
We ourselves become Disposable
Interchangable Parts.
blown cherry As I'm sure the highly esteemed Mr Orwell would himself have said;

monkey humanity operates on the lowest common denominator.... unfortunately that means it operates at a level far below what most are capable of... is it any wonder that it is a disappointment to all concerned and somewhat depressing to be a part of.
we can love or hate... why do we pick hate so often, love is so much easier
what's it to you?
who go