inconnue the snowpack is melting away so fast
too fast for good weather
how dry the season
hsg there will be much of it covering what now is dry land.

people are afraid of having no food in the event of disaster, but it is that will be needed far more.

how well can you swim?
hsg ...it is *water 061121
flux מים 061122
raze they did a study and found traces of morphine, cocaine, and oxycodone in our "drinking water". that explains some things. 150726
unhinged from the sky

mcdougall It's raining. 220817
mcdougall I've been watering my garden with water from the dehumidifier and leftover dishwater. Something's wrecked my squash (I don't even know what kind of squash it was, or is, it's not completely wrecked. Its mangled, like my neighbor's corn, but surviving) and basil, but inside my lemon sprout is working on its fourth leaf. 220817
mcdougall Sweat.
From running. From stressing.
mcdougall The ocean (an ocean, really), its tides and currents.
Headed that way (southeastward) soon, temporarily.
epitome of incomprehensibility Thanks for stopping by! she hi's to macdougall, then ponders:

drought or flood, where one exacerbates the other (Isaac and Sue talking California, floodplains, mudslides, environment)
e_o_i edits *mcdougall 220818
tender_square the utility bill came today and i audibly thanked god out aloud for the total not being as bad as i expected it to be. then, i logged into my account and saw that the cut-off date for the service reading was the 25th of august, days before the former tenant started running the water non-stop prior to his leave. i may not have seen the worst of this damage financially yet. 230916
what's it to you?
who go