soia I always wanted to use oil paints but figured I sucked too much to make is worth the money
so I spent all sorts of money on water color stuff instead
water color felt like it was okay if I couldn't really express what I wanted
it was weak and watery
oil is thick and bright and real and the canvas isn't flimsy like watercolor paper is
they gave me the paints
and now I still don't know if i can use them
kendera i used red oil paint for a class.

burnt_crimson ruined a lot of things in my life, and i dont mean just a shirt.
soia cleaning up the paint was quite a cat in the hat experience
everytime I washed it off of something it appeared on something else and so on
estimated finish time on the painting: 5 years, at least
burnt out and frustrated.
spoons my life, is like watching paint dry... 011205
kerry she painted an enormous green room today
green like sick green
hospital green
she is always in therapy nowadays
mon uow might save me yet 050405
mon uow till i fall asleep 050405
nom iridescent 051231
tender_square the underside of the cabinet above the kitchen sink was maroon, while every surface around it was painted pale. i bent over the counter and tilted my face up to brush strokes of pure white against trim and edges and in between praying i wouldn't drip. 230302
what's it to you?
who go