"you can't live with them, you can't live without them"
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just like everyday, I didn't get to talk to so many of my friends today. I'm appreciative of the time I got to spend talking to the few with whom I stay in close contact, but I hate that almost every single one of my friends is so far away, in so many different states. I can't wait for the summer when they'll all be here. Well, not all of them, but most of them anyway. I can only be truly happy when I am surrounded by all my friends. We don't even have to be doing anything, just being in their company puts a smile on my face everytime. Without my friends, I probably would not have survived as long as I have. I miss them all so much.
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florescent light
Friends Friends in my life, they come and they go. I went to 3 different high schools, it was hard to establish meaningful relationships. I still keep in touch with a couple of friends from High School. In college - my best friend graduated last year. Before I met her, the girl who was my best friend failed out. and the other one of my good friends did too. This year the girl who is my best friend isn't my friend anymore. So , that leaves just my roommate, who I have been friends with since sophmore year. And I love him dearly, and I now call him my best friend. But I love myself, and I am a free spirit, and I can go anywhere, and meet people, and if I luck out, meet someone who becomes a good friend. But, they come and go, come and go. And sure, I keep in touch with some of them still- I don't know, you need to find happiness within yourself, is what I am saying.
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same here. i went to high school in NC ARK and graduated in CA. yippy.
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well I went to the same high school for four years, so my friends are pretty much the same as my family to me. it's hard to leave people that are as close, in some ways closer than your family and not want to talk to them and be around them. I'm just happier in their company, I'm not entirely unhappy without them, but they make me feel better about everything.
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personally i think chandler should be the declared daddy of rachels baby. itd add just the right amount of spice
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are too demanding
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Being a navy brat and a drifter most all of my young life people came and went in a long parade that blurred over time I remember the faces and the places but the names come only when they want to not at the bidding of my mind I owe my survival to the sharing we did and many a thought and philosophy too but in the end we all are alone even with someone we love Still be kind to each other and forgive our sins we all can be monsters or angels at heart to trust in each other is all we can do knowing that in the end all of this will soon pass
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love is everything
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without everyone
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i don't really know anyone
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my friends are so depressed i feel the question of their lonelyness confide cause ill be on your side you know i will. you know i will ex girlfriend called me up alone and desperate on the prison phone they want to give her seven years for being sad i love all of you hurt by the cold so hard and lonely too when you dont know yourself my friends are so distressed and standing on the brink of emptiness no words i know of to express this emptiness i love all of you hurt by the cold so hard and lonely too when you dont know yourself. i heard a little girl and what she said was something beautiful to give your love no matter what was what she said i love all of you hurt by the cold so hard and lonely too when you dont know yourself. ~My Friends: The Red Hot Chili Peppers~
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We give thanks for our friends. Our dear friends. We anger each other. We fail each other. We share this sad earth, this tender life, this precious time. Such richness. Such wildness. Together we are blown about. Together we are dragged along. All this delight. All this forgiving life. We hold it together.
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n o m m o n
no friends
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amy adaptivity
I think i got on the accusing people of being enemies ( and it really went deep ) as a method of survival--- i couldn't believe that others would let my life become so destroyed. If: there is no one to help Then: these people are only here for the other reason. Otherwise they ( you )wouldn't be here. Really. Then, holy of holies, wellbutrin happened and the disability disappeared. So I'm sorry for the accusation. I was pissed that life was not ever going to happen for me. Hope destroyed. It's not true. Life happens. Not a blanket i get to have everything life, but it happens, and i can also be grateful that the suffering was able to deepen things for me. You weren't doing anything wrong, you just weren't quite getting the distress of the situation. Most friends are not meant to be... rescue workers, and i don't even think that it should have been that way. I am sorry and ashamed that I couldn't be a normal happy actual friend to many people I've met. Sorry it never seems to work, or that my situation is dire while others get, have, need more normal things. It's not your fault. I can't cast any blame anywhere. Yes. Sorry.
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the middling ones fall away like bad beams in a crumbling house. the good ones stick around like eternal gum on the bottom of your heart's size sixteen shoe. so_it_goes.
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(the point being, i've got some real good gum)
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this one friend of mine is always like, "you have so many friends!" but i don't feel like i have any friends (at least, in this city) that i talk to with any regularity or that fit me into their lives. this isn't a criticism on their part; lives change, distance (both literal and figurative) plays a part, people have things going on, etc. but i haven't seen anyone at all this weekend because no one's been available. there are always meetups and such for when you're bored and feeling social, but when you want to go to something specific (in the case of this weekend, two separate concerts) and can't find anyone to go with, it's lonely. i wonder if other people deal with this often. i hardly ever see other people out at events by themselves, but i guess a lot of people could just be reluctant/scared and have decided to stay home.
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people (myself included) tend to assume someone who knows a lot of people is satisfied and never lonely. but you can know 100 people and only be close with 3 of them.
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i guess the above also has to do with being close with more people who have similar interests as you.
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he says he wants us to be friends, that maybe we were only ever meant to be friends, that i am welcome to stay in the basement of what will inevitably become his house so that i can see other friends. this is idealism and improbability. how can i possibly travel to where i used to live to hang with other people while crashing with him? he'll either feel slighted, taken advantage of, annoyed, or all three. that's the difference in our situations; whenever i return, i am invading his space. there is no reason for him to cross the border into mine. i am always intruding. there is no purpose to be there unless the purpose is to pack. sure, we're getting along now, but it's because there's so much to navigate and adjust. once the papers are filed and the assets are divided, what need will there be for pleasantries? especially when it seems he is so quick to rebound, as though the last eight years were just a stepping stone to something better.
what's it to you?