argo I can't do it. Small talk is for small clay people. I keep drifting into whomever I'm talking to, forgetting that there's a difference between our collective unconscious.
I know exactly what you want to hear. If you're of or under my intelligence level, I can work you. And it's too crazy, too ridiculous to be using small words on someone who's human and, for all I know, me.
chanaka oh make it stop.....i hear his voice in my head. those long talks we have have the side-effect of bouncing his voice around in my mind the rest of the night.
tantalzing and yet disconcerting, i am but an innocent bystander who can only keep her knees strong.
damn southern accent
silentbob spoken word great 010303
stupidpunkgirl i can't talk to you
any of you
what am i supposed to say?
how do i respond?

i just sit and am quiet
and wish i wasn't so shy
dean-bean I hold rehearsal conversations in my head. See, I don't want anyone to really dislike me, and I figure if I already know what to say I can avoid the pitfalls of random conversation. Seldom do the real conversations take the turns that mine do, but I still think it helps. That's just me though. I count out my dance steps too... 010329
dB Talk is cheap, and it's easy to screw up.
Writing is much easier. Then I don't have to see your face and admit I am the same.
mikey well said dB haha 010330
arinna it's not that i don't want to talk. i just get so caught up in listening. 010331
namae I don't, because when I do, I can't stop 010802
nom i call vancouver 060327
no reason i feel like i can talk to everybody about everything right now 100328
what's it to you?
who go