lulie It keeps me from going too far, getting too close, causing pain. 020330
uow i'm not a writer 040803
nomme) i should stop writing 050726
crOwl if you stopped writing, i would mope about for days. 050726
APRicochetMVP i should be writing my final instead of writing here, but this is much more fun and relaxing 050726
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl writing takes some of the pain away
all the bad stuff;
the pen traces the wounds
the ink blots the blood
and the paper soothes the pain.

it can't undo the fear
it can't replace what's lost
the innocence and naivety snatched by other people's carelessness.

but it can be a friend
can be another you,
a paper doppelganger
holding you tight so you can cry the shame into your pages and not be afraid any more
for even when you feel you have no one left to turn to
you can turn to the blank sheets, waiting patiently to hear what you have to say
they won't push you
won't hurt you
will silently comfort you as you spill your emotions onto them
and most importantly
they don't judge you.

an extension of yourself that you can trust with the darkest secrets.

and this version of yourself accepts you for who you are; unconditionally and unquestioningly.

i like to write, i find it therapeutic.
nom "my writing is stupid" 061008
nom doesn't help 070322
epitome of incomprehensibility There's a certain satisfaction in finishing revising a travel article at 1:20 A.M., but also a certain "Why am I doing this?"

Especially after helping a brother with biology homework (complementary course for Liberal Arts DEC, they need a science or math credit), which included reading four pages first just to understand the thing, and being annoyed at oneself for not negotiating the price AFTER revisions instead of before.
e_o_i And I don't give the smallest damn about the golf course on Tropical Island I'll Probably Never Visit, but I'd kind of like to see the beach and go on that diving trip into the cavern, described as deep blue and full of sea life. 140902
raze the thing i've come to understand is that it's not about trying to alter or reframe the past. it's about reorganizing lived experience so we can make sense of our own lives and our place in the story we're both author of and slave to.

the proofreading comes later.
what's it to you?
who go