QT Yes, I noticed. Yes, I did. Yes.

To brood, sulk or mope in a poem is neither here nor there as to its value. A poem is valuable if it at least casts light on some truth for someone who reads or hears it. To brood, sulk or mope can be as revealing as anything else a poet does.

Mope on!

Moping still,
Q poem

Is it any wonder, then, that poetry often "twist[s] into mope"?
uow cope dope hope nope pope rope soap 040820
melancolique i am utterly bored with this life-long depression. 040822
unhinged the day after i left, my mom said he was mopey. yesterday i bawled for a good hour while listening to jeff and coldplay. and i thought of the last time i hugged him in front of the honolulu airport and how i didn't want to let go, but you know. had a plane to catch. and the last time i hugged her in my driveway outside of her car and told her 'i'm not worried about it; we've made it through a lot worse than this. we'll see each other again' and how they are both thousands of miles away now and when i talk to her, her voice is filled with tears and sighs and she says 'i don't know' a lot. today was his first day of college. i feel so old and lost now knowing they are so far_away. and i walk down the street and mope knowing the next time i go home they won't be there. i bawled for a good hour yesterday. 040823
silentbob lament 040824
z morrisey 040825
what's it to you?
who go