belly fire I have loved you out loud
for one whole year
DammitJanet I have seen you happy
for one full year
silentbob this year went by so fast 040613
DammitJanet another year of my life passed
but without significant changes
what i need to change still sit
in my body waiting to be set free
invisible hands latch on to my future
it's prying fingers too stubborn to let go
it's my masochistic tendancies
my inner need of failure
my lack of will power
and my eagerness for self destruction
i constantly sabotage my life to stay the way i've felt
for years
my life
needs to change
i've started on a road of self improvement
but my trapped mind longs for more
than just
has helped me realize that i'm normal
that i can love and be loved by the opposite
has done wonders for my self image
is not enough.
pilgrim This Internalized Concept,
An Ever Diminishing Fraction of Your Lifetime,
Seems as such to Accelerate in It's Passage.
As It becomes a Smaller and Smaller Segment of The Whole Expereince with Each Passing.
Times Preception is Truly a Subjective Reality.
Half a Century Out, and the Velocity is Starting to Rattle the Wheels.
raze you're about to go away. i'm not ready to say goodbye, and i can't wait to watch you leave. 221230
what's it to you?
who go