moonshine When will everyone become whole? What are you looking for ? Your other half?
Can't anyone just be whole? You'll spend a lot of time look for the other half in someone else
fu nobody will ever become whole, because we are already whole. i'm not looking for anything. no, not my other half. i'm one person. not a siamese twin. yes. everybody is whole. nobody has to "become whole". you really think i'll "spend a lot of time look for the other half in someone else", do you? i don't. you don't know me. you don't know that i'm not "whole" as you call it. whatever. 020719
jane half a person 070820
flux "we're out of lowfat milk, so i got you half half and half and half whole milk." 140728
flux dresdencodak.com/wp-content/gallery/stickman/2007-07-16-whistl_in_the_wind.jpg 140728
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