moonshine What if we made our own ice cream?

We could employ hundreds of lactating women...
silentbob nilbog 010823
distorted tendencies I wish the milk man would deliver my milk, in the morning. 011008
eatingstars harvey milk to the rescue!
(watch this movie)
unhinged i have a milk chute 090301
cr0wl i'll have mine raw goat's please...oh and i'll squeeze it out myself. 090302
tender square speckled peach walls drilled into many times over,
each month a new artist selling canvases.
i must’ve smoked 300 packs of cigarettes in that place.
sneaking sips off rob’s beer he bought with fake id,
the large triple triples that cooled before i could finish them.
when it was warm, a spot by the open garage door was best
for the merging of city and mind. i did all my studying there, trying
to make sense of baudrillard, gramsci, mcluhan, and levi-strauss.

years later, i became a barista—my final job in windsor before i left,
and it restored parts of me i didn’t know were broken.
working morning shifts, knowing the regulars names and their orders by heart,
playing best coast’s “crazy for youand the roots’ “how i got overon high rotation,
i drank espresso, read macleod’s short stories behind the counter when it was slow,
killed cockroaches the size of my thumb.

when my former boss came in for a coffee, he remarked,
you’re like a totally different person nowand i knew exactly what he meant.
raze i can still see the texture of the coffee with such clarity i almost believe i can touch it, taste it, breathe it in if i hold it in my mind hard and long enough. for two years straight, every friday night started here. i never knew where the night would take me, but i knew it couldn't get its wings anywhere else. 210903
tender square how did we never see each other there? i went every friday for a while too, always the pregame spot before the loop. 210903
raze it was my pre-loop spot too. ha! this was from about late 2003 to 2005. i even wrote a few things here after i got home on some of those nights. maybe the timing never lined up right? i would get to milk around 8:00, have a coffee or a vodka water, maybe have another, and then head to the loop as soon as they opened a 9:00.

so. many. memories. i wouldn't even know where to start.
raze (stinkin' typos. missing t, how i long to dance with thee.) 210903
tender square i was definitely die-hard from mid-2003 to late 2005 and then the visits were more sporadic as the years went on.

i guess we were two planet-like bodies sharing the same orbit but never colliding?
what's it to you?
who go