kendera lapses,
very confusing,
very confusing,
lost impact,
would be
loss of musical logic
would be
not truly convincing

"it came in that long awaited letter, those words......."
birdmad from safety to where? 010718
spoons my life 010812
nom i do nothing 061201
nom ness 070327
nom of a girl 070421
nom i am so fucking sad right now 070508
Bespeckled I have a feeling that in a few months time
this will be another failed relationship.

Just another one.

Beginning to think, as I looked in the mirror tonight, that I am either destined for a life of success at the expense of contentment

or just a life at the expense of true love.

It really sucks to think
that your soulmate is out there


being enjoyed by someone other than you.
Pilgrim Being a Fatalest at Heart causes me to question the Validity of this term. But does Little for my sense of frustration when Blather goes down for days on end. 140310
Pilgrim Being a Fatalest at Heart causes me to question the Validity of this term. But does Little for my sense of frustration when Blather goes down for days on end. 140310
e_o_i I don't failing, but sometimes failures are more fun to describe in retrospect.

A thought: no person can really be "a failure" or "a success." Most likely you've had and will have many failures as well as many successes. These are things that happen, not immutable characteristics.

A reality: the stove in our kitchen failed. The element (my technical description: the tube thing that heats up) stopped working and needs to be replaced. Now this is not mine in any real way, but being part of this people-group on this property means that I feel the effect of budget cuts. New austerity measures include porridge.
epitome of incomprehensibility Ha ha ha. "I don't failing." Yes, I do failing. Meant to say "I don't like failing." Was that an affectionate parody? I can pretend. 140311
e_o_i I tried to roast squash seeds today. I boiled them for ten minutes in water with a teaspoon of salt; I mixed them with a teaspoon of olive oil and spread them on a little tray; I looked at the instructions for spicing them up, but the instructions called for boring spices, so I went my own way and sprinkled the seeds liberally with cardamom and allspice. It smelled delicious and I thought, This will be good. And it would've been if I'd realized that the toaster oven would cook them faster than the stove. They got burned miserably. 140312
pilgrim not again 140312
unhinged 'my failures have been my most exacting teachers. they are all linked by one central characteristic, and that is the failure to properly regard the voice of inner truth. that voice speaks softly. it is not judgemental, full of pride, or otherwise loud. it does not deride, shame, or otherwise attempt to detail you. when i fail to trust what my deepest knowing tells me, then i suffer. the voice of inner truth, or the knowing, has access to the wisdom of eternal knowledge. the perspective of that voice is timeless.' - joy harjo (poet warrior p.44) 211023
unhinged *derail 211023
what's it to you?
who go