the swinger of birches i got a letter from doris yesterday. 010517
birdmad two years ago i got a letter that told me i got this job, working here in this place, where i still am today

a few days later, i got another letter
the one that still keeps me quiet and dark here in the corner

that_letter (blue)
california dreaming-mode namae A Chinese flick I watched today at about 7 or 8 in the morning, all about a policeman who starts having an affair with this airline stewardess, only suddenly she has to leave on short notice and leaves a letter and his apartment key at this snack bar he frequents, but he's too chickenshit to actually pick it up and starts having conversations with things around his house (like bars of soap, dishcloths, stuffed animals), telling them not to be so sad that she's gone, and all the while the young woman who works at the snack bar takes the key and starts sneaking into his apartment while he's at work and doing all sorts of weird crap (like cleaning, switching all the sardines in his cupboard to a different brand but putting the old label on the new cans, buying him nuts just so she can eat them when she's there next), but he's too depressed to notice and too afraid to pick up the letter. More stuff happens, but I won't bother you with it. A cover of "Dreams" by the Cranberries with fake drums and translated Chinese lyrics plays over the end credits. Never caught the name. 010823
cinematic birdmad stops by for a visit chunking express 010823
thankee sai 010918
jinx I write a lot of them. I don't send many though... 030202
Cicero I wrote this long letter
To give to her with the CDs
Of music that reminded me
Of her. It was long and
Sad, and put the end of
Our friendship to words.
I kept my letter.
She didn't keep hers.
what's it to you?
who go