raze i had a music theatre teacher in grade eleven who taught a class that had little to do with theatre and even less to do with music. she was nice enough, aside from the time in grade nine when she yelled at me for having shitty shoes, but she liked to say "alright" and "okay". a lot. that was her punctuation, her empty syntax, her "like" and "you know".

one day she was talking and the alrights and okays were coming fast and furious. i wondered how many there were. so i started counting on paper, four ticks and then a cross through the ticks to mark five. in a few minutes i had eight or nine groups of five. i felt a little bad for doing it, but i couldn't help myself. it was almost hypnotic.

a friend who had no idea what i was doing leaned over and whispered, "dude, she just said 'alright' and 'okay' like fifty times. i've been counting."

he was thinking the same thing. alright.
kerry i asked him how he was and he said alright. he asked me back and i said the same. then he said "do you always have to say that?"
i wasn't sure how to answer this, so i didn't, not directly. i just chuckled. he was laughing. "kind of. unless someone died or something. then i'd tell you i wasn't alright."
what's it to you?
who go