mon uow i'm going to get
a studio appartment
with my mother
i'm going to help
her find the songs
of the birds
my father killed
unhinged i live in a studio apartment; i feel like a rat in a shoe box. i can hear every little noise my neighbors make. my neighbor across the hall sounds like she has emphazema (sp) which almost makes me want to quit smoking. almost. the guy that lives above me....hell, i'm afraid he's gonna come crashing down into my apartment one of these days.

and last night, motherfucker, last night some asshole was ringing someone's buzzer at 3:30am. these buzzers are loud. i can here the buzzers all around me. some drunk asshole impatiently buzz...buuuzzzz...buzzzzing for like a half hour until someone finally got out of bed and chased them away.
somenom i'll be upset if i can't help her
if i can't help myself
skyburst777 i am sorry 050608
what's it to you?
who go