once again Those are your options in this life. Yes or no. You don't really get that theoretical maybe... that what if of decision making. You can't wait till the last act to save the world. If there's fifteen minutes left and you still haven't found the bomb, chances are you never will. This is real life. People are not video games. There is no god mode.

And her hair is sprawled across a pillow with a life of its own. Laying claim to the spaces it touched with strands of cornsilk hair, bleached by the summer sun. And his shirt is fading into the black of the room but it glows like a solar eclipse... the intangible light highlighting the edges of it's too familiar form.

And there is a moment when life hangs in the balance. You never get to see this moment framed. There is no arrow reading "You Are Here" There is only you and everything you've learned, everyhitng you know... everything you believe and hope for and desire...

And you must chose... your choice will be life altering... you do not know it now, but this decision will mark every moment of your life for years to come. "And in a minute there is time, for decisions and revisions, which a minute will reverse"

And yet the minutes fail to come... mere seconds... milliseconds falling upon the heap as your life trickles away... And what really can you say?



egger (yes) 040911
what's it to you?
who go