mine is long, to my shoulders. somewhat like Che Guevara...sort of. gets in my eyes. some say it looks good, others say it needs to be cut. why? i say, i like it the way it is. Because, they say. It's long. It's black, i dyed it last spring. its grown though, so my roots are brown. the way i wanted it.
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it was to my shoulders and i chopped it all off. i am a soldier of sparta.
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its kinda big now, the very tips are redish, after that is a botched ash blonde job, and my own dishwater roots are now about as long as the blonde in high school, when i was fatter, i had shoulder lenght hair i did alot of shit, bleaching and dying and shaving through the years been doing it since i was ten, my moms is cool and helped me out when she was around (she said i was mature enough to make those kind of decisions, she forbade my little bro from it though) long hair makes me look like a chick
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heh. been red with black underneath for 8 years now, and all of a sudden it's hit a trend. some chick in Dracula 2k even had hair done just like mine. *sigh* i'll just wait for the wave to pass...
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mine was purple once...dark deep purple. it was gorgeous. then burgandy came along...several times. auburn. black. i wanted it white this summer, but it only got as far as blonde. then i dyed the tips pink. it was so hard to bleach from burgandy, i swore i'd never have red based hair again. i want my dark purply burgandy back though. after blonde i dyed it auburn although it was supposed to be dark brown. and after that i dyed it black although THAT was supposed to be dark brown too. and i know i swore i'd never bleach it again, but i did...the front pieces. they were blue...but that faded. now they are blue green and fading into purple. i kind of like it. after i get tired of blue i'm going back to burgandy. it feels like i'm going back to my original colour, when it's really no where near it. just past my shoulders. i can't wait till it's long again.
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I've stopped dreaming about my hair suddenly growing back I've finally meant it when I said "no more bleach" I finally found the black that glows purple and not fuschia or brown or any other putridness my mom tried to tell me it was all a cry for attention (the purples and blues and greens and whatnot) but that might be the one thing that's made me finally give up or maybe I'm just tired of the effort of deciding what to look like
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to the middle of my back, some people think of me as a blonde, others say, "no she's a brunette." i don't have a hairdresser. i just walk in and say "cut my hair, but just to there." and then i'm told that i have "virgin hair". wow, pure hair.
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let me have sex with your hair
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johnny west
I had short hair all my life, never longer than a few inches. Then I started growing it about a year ago. My hair growing ended my relationship with my mother and step father. Why? Because they're hairless fuckers!!! Now my hair is a few inches past my shoulders. The longer it gets, the more I like it. I don't care what anyone else thinks. I LOVE MY HAIR! And it's brown. Some say brown is a boring hair colour, but I like it. Yummy hair.
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I love my hair... it's so soft. Sometimes it feels like silk. I keep cutting it though. I'll let it grow for a year, and then I'll chop it... i think I like it long the best though... I love the way it smells... yes i know it's just because of my shampoo, but it still is just part of the effect.
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mine has split ends. I never had a single split end before this year. that's because just this year I discovered a wonderful invention called the straightener. Naturally I have gross curly frizzy hair that I hate. Now I love my hair, even if it shows signs of abuse. Sometimes I feel guilty about it, but then I think of all the years it made me look so ugly and I say, "ha! that's what you get bitch. did you think I wouldn't get my revenge?!" anyway. that's all.
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i shave my head.
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florescent light
I have a lot of hair. It is wild and unpredictable. I like it that way. It has firey red highlights coursing through the dark curls. I have to use a lot of hair gel. I have to have it thinned out, cause there is so much of it. I think it looks different every day. I don't think other people can see it though. But I can tell that everyday the curls are different. No two curls are the same. People ask me if I ever straighten it. And I tell them, no, I like it curly.
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sometimes i will let mine grow BARELY long enough to bleach it. kinda like it to. like the pic on my webpage actually
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if it were long again, i wouldn't mind mine wavy. but when it's only down to my shoulders i pull out the straightener.
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hair straightener
:: straightening twiggie's hair ::
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hey does that mean i don't have to anymore!? yay!
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Denzel Washington
I got almost no hair. Man, I'd never let that shit grow! The ladies would be tuggin' on that shit all night long! There's other stuff to tug on! I think I had an inch of hair once...nah, musta been a half-inch. And what happened? Well, I was goin' at it with some ladies of mine, and they wouldn't quit pullin' that shit! I couldn't concentrate on the task at hand, seein' as there was this terrible pullin' sensation the whole time. Next day I shaved it off. Goddam hair.
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Green bangs, the rest is blue. Having hair this rad looking should be illegal. I feel sorry for everyone else's hair, and all my hair of the past. I now have the end all be all dye job.
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mine is black in the front and navy blue in the back....it used to be bright blue until i dyed black over the entire thing...it was a very good decision. i like it a lot
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Five foot two, With eyes of blue, And brown hair to my shoulders, A Manly elf, So full of self, The women say he smolders! -KV Jr.
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mine will be dyed yet again tomorrow. i'm so excited. it's going to be boring and brown, but i don't care. it's better than the piss green my bangs have taken.
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johnny west
All this time I thought my bangs were only a few inches past my chin. They're actually at my shoulders. Great balls of pornographic shit! I've read that hair grows, on average, about six inches in a year. That's a half-inch every month (Wow! Good math!). However, I've got a feeling that my hair grows faster than that. And yours will too if you can avoid eating it! But it's just so enticing...fuck it. :::starts gnawing away:::
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it's new! brown with blak lowlights and i loooove it. it's short and cute when i wear it down...the ends were cut with a razor...so exciting.
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o0h i love hair with a passion. I have no clue how many damn times i've dyed it tho. But everytime i've done it, it looks beautifull to me :) Started out bleach blonde when i was a kid, can you imagine a short, white bleach hair with big blue eyes. *sigh* ah memories. The somehow it dyed itself to a reg. boring brown. After awhile of changeing into the person i am now and have been for quite awhile, it was dark electic red. O0h god i loved that color sooooooo much. After that i just repeatedly dyed it that same color for it to last when my roots came back. Then it was purple, a deeep purple. Then black, bleached to redish brown, then back to my lovely dark electric red. Heh once again after that i went to black cuz its me. Red and black. Now its blonde however, back to the natural color i guess. Next shall be *gasps* ELECTRIC RED! :D
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neither hair or there.
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the way it looked tied up and nappy. the way it looked when it was down. the way it looked the morning after the way it looked when it was brown
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i bet i look like a caveman. my long blonde dreads, some still dyed red, others still dyed blue. naturally red beard (i dont get it) i bet i could out headbang all of you
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i've dyed it black, offsets the white room, white clothes, and every which what. the plebs ask, why don't you dye your hair white? cuz it's black, silly.
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i was asked last week: doesn't it give you a headache?
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i love my hair. it is almost to my sholders, straight, and black. i just wish it was a little thicker
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fuzzy hair rubbing it all night
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"makes me want to cut it all off" sometimes
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hairbird plucks a hair from a sleeping dog; to build her nest, she said i've looked around; and i like your hair the best. i do the rolling you do the detail loves the tragically hip
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log burning fire
l10 is buzzcutting me this morning. i fell in love with her the first time i met her. she drove me to a lake. i photographed her with memory. throwing smiles like stones into the water.
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I dyed it funny colors in various lengths for years, then let it go natural and used henna... then dyed it funny colors again... dreaded it and continued the funny colors, then cut the dreads and went natural again. I like my hair color, but I like other colors too. I want to dye it again but will I regret it? will I miss the natural color and health of unbleached hair? or should I just do it any way because it's fun? thoughts over breakfast with my sleeping doggie. Grapes, blue berries, avocado and soon a bit of mint dark chocolate. this is a shameless attempt to feel connected to other humans without going out into the cold damp world just yet. I feel surprisingly alone here today, my heartmate will be back tonight. working opposite days of the week is no fun.
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(cz's_wisdom) "human hair is everywhere. is everywhere a human hair?" http://www.verysmallarray.com/wp-content/uploads/130608_recent.jpg
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epitome of incomprehensibility
My head hair is atavistic, anomalous. My dad's was black and curly, my mom's red and curly. I was born with fine dark hair. A few days later it fell out and came in pale blond. It grew straight, straighter than I turned out to be. I envied others' curls. Now it's moderated to a dark golden blond, and letting it grow long reveals slight waves. Not like Hermione Granger or Hypatia_of_Alexandria, imagined in painting. But still a little wavy.
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"you're hair is so long!" brea exclaimed. "i know--i'm still growing it." "she wants mermaid hair," mom called. "to your boobs?" brea asked. "yep, i want mermaid boobie hair."
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"Mermaid boobie hair" made me chortle, remembering how the topless version of mermaids always had strategically placed locks. (Locks to shut the door on roaming eyes.)
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it's almost always short in my dreams. and i almost never have a beard. i haven't been clean-shaven in twenty years. it's been even longer than that since my hair was within shouting distance of being short. come to think of it, almost everyone i love has short hair in my dreams, irrespective of what they look like in the waking world. i don't know what it means.
what's it to you?