nomme i am nothing like i used to be
i was never this light this wind worthy
never had i known such fire
never before
Fido O pretty ash
You are so thin,
And put in the proper bin,
You say what you said before again.
tilt ash ashes ashishu.
bless you.
nom blue: the_fire 051110
insouciant Emptiness vast enough
Climbing a mountain
And swallowing each rock
Flattening down to a plain
Would not fill

I have hugs, loves, friends
Care as hard as i give
But no matter
oblivion remains

Grotesque, lamentable thing
Anguish and greed
The ghoul thrashes,
Left alone for half a minute

Shame on me
Should i want
When i have

Where does the void end?
How can I miss something i hold between my hands?

I’m exhausting
Burning everything i touch
Leaving barren black soot and grey ash
In my wake

Who could possibly love something so empty?
what's it to you?
who go