raze a little girl was crying.

well, not really. there weren't any tears. she wasn't really crying. she was pretending to cry. she wanted something, or maybe she wanted to get out of having to do something, so she stopped walking. she fell to her knees and started performing. her long brown hair was spilling out of a purple knit cap.

her mother smiled at me when i walked by.

"you've heard of crocodile tears? hers are elephant-sized."
!!! are elephants just naturally teary or is this elephant crying to debussy?

raze i'd put my money on madame elephant being moved by the music. 210310
epitome of incomprehensibility Looking at the body language, I'd agree. It seems to me she's paying attention, and the ear-flapping looks to me like a dog wagging its tail even if it's not exactly equivalent.

But as for crying, apparently elephants don't cry for emotional reasons. It's just to keep their eyes from being dry. https://www.whyanimalsdothething.com/elephants-dont-cry
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