sarpedon Walking

Beyond the dirt and gravel entrance
Stepping into the wooded preserve
Concentrating on making each step last
And further yourself to the ...

You realize...

You don't know where you are going.
But you've been on the path before
Or ... at least it looks familiar
You know you'll wind up happier
If you arrive at the kind of place
You think you will arrive

The grove is thick, however
Every so often, you might
Enjoy the relaxation of a clearing
Or if you have the fortune:
Cross paths with another adventurer
Who tells her drawn-out tale
You can't help but absorb and
Feel the understanding well up
Within yourself and start to overflow

Oh, you've journeyed with a few
In days, weeks, years long past
But though you aren't really
Exactly sure of the path
Eventually you reach a junction
And must diverge, peacefully or not

After a few moments,
The call in the wood becomes useless
The trees drown out your voices
And makes it difficult,
Then impossible to hear

You may tell yourself not to focus
Upon the long, unimportant past
But the feeling dwells,
Propelled by that uncertainty
That the distant path communicates

What if paths no longer converge?
Will I ever meet a like minded traveler?

The junctions still come and go
But it is their temporal nature
That stuns and discourages
Even if you may meet that traveler
The timing may not be right
You may be too early or too late
And the bond will be unable to grow
Or sustain a lively existence

You cannot wait at a junction
For it is not your call to make
Life moves on, and your feet
Will not cease their motion

Walking is the cure for all that ails
But the walking is paradoxically
The source of sorrow and discouragement
The paradigm of inevitability
uow in the rain
two men
in two trucks
hop in
no it's okay
i'm not going anywhere
i'm just walking
it's just raining
i'm okay
no it's okay
thanks anyway
have a good day
thanks for stopping
uow i want to walk everywhere 040915
mon uow i didn't walk this winter 050304
anomalous i don't do enough walking 050502
nom) i've been walking too_much 050921
nom on ice 051217
AfPRicochetMVP i think i'm gonna start walking to the track over winter break, then start jogging on the track, then walking back home. 051218
nom my transfer expired 070308
no reason i went walking tonight
i wonder if they thought i knew where i was going
past quick and insane thoughts, chances that might be lost, and moments between pauses, beating with a quivering heart and not being a gentleman in the end.

can't really be blamed, a short walk, a good talk, all things considered. me being a little drunk and quite tired, her being just as tired, and both disappointed in powers that are quite literally beyond individual human control.

i think we both lost tonight, threw our ballots to the wind like so many scattered maple leaves that we quietly tread upon as we walked each other home. funny how our only connections revolve around this election, now over and lost by all parties.

the full moon didn't get us, and we left before the leaders had a chance to speak. at this point it doesn't really matter. the air was crisp against our faces, and that was real enough. at least for tonight.

somehow the stars always seem to shine brighter here, or perhaps it's that i pay more attention to them, knowing the streets so well. the moon was full, hanging in the south.

we showered ourselves in its glow. as we walked upon the fallen leaves.
past quick and insane thoughts, and a walk in the cold. the street lights are more comforting, almost warmer, on winter nights than in the summer, or even the fall for that matter.

we didn't talk all night, as is usually the case, but with the event drawing to a close we both stayed late, talking to our hosts, and left together for the short walk to our homes.

we talked and smiled, seeing our laughter rise to the stars as it misted in the night air.

i remember back to what another said, 'she's not what you need', and the shushed thoughts and theories i'd rather not explore (she is seeing someone, i'm convinced, but he's never out when i am as well, and i've not actually forced the question to confirmation).

but, nonetheless, still, in the end it doesn't matter. it's that short walk, that happy walk, that always ends as if pulled, neither (or at least myself) wanting to stop the conversation, but we're pulled by different forces in different directions. i'd rather it continued and blossomed, but she has a different flower in mind.

(a snow drop, breaking through the recent fall, reaching up to the stars, shivering alone. no, instead i'd rather turn and cross, watching her go another way, both turning and smiling and waving, 'see you soon', into the frosted night.)
PeeT Over the years you end up learning all this shit you never would have thought. You learn from walking around. Thoreau wrote beautifully about walking. He used to walk four hours a day and often in the same place, because he thought you needed repeat viewings, especially in a forest, to have a real understanding of it. I find that to be especially true in a conifer forest. There are different seasonal things, weather things. Trees fall over, things shoot up, things die––a very dense city of processes going on. 120111
what's it to you?
who go