minus when in your presence, nothing is... 010307
brown cardigan boy 'the impossible is possible tonight, tonight'--smashing pumpkins 010307
unhinged someone other than
the one that patches them up
so they can be with someone else

and then i feel selfish
and then i hate myself
and then i practice indifference
at always being the loving nuturing sister type
that ends up with
empty hands always grasping

he had what could have been a hickey
on his neck
and that made me sad
because i wasn't the one that put it there
unhinged (also sad because
i don't think
he wants me to be the one
that put it there)
auburn really means 'not worth the effort'. 090504
unhinged seemingly
to find the energy to turn my life around
nr i want to go against all of my body's natural attachment instincts when it comes to you 230114
what's it to you?
who go