karasu The voices in his head grew louder as he entered the forest.

Languages he could not understand, Words that had long since died and words that had yet to come into existence.

In the failing light, he could see the structure in the distance and quickened his pace, his legs ached as he made his way, he wanted to stop and rest but there was not time.

There would not be time.

For a moment he was unsure of the quickest path until he saw the drag marks in the ground at his feet and the more organized footprints on either side.

When he reached the clearing, he did not know whether to cry or laugh as he saw his counterpart butchering one of his own, having apparently misread the number as it was written.

He distracted the shadowy figure who stood at the base of the steps between the catch basins where the blood pooled and tried to charge the man who stood before the altar

He cut the heart from the disciple who smiled beatifically at the darkening sky, but before he could throw it down he saw his opponent in the grip os the god

He felt himself lifted as the shape used some unknown means to hurl him up the steps at the priest whose jaw dropped in disbelief as he looked at the face of the man suddenly sailing toward him

He dropped the twitching heart which came to rest on the stone steps just as his mirror image crashed into him sneding them tumbling over the altar and onto the bodies which were already in the bone pit behind it.

They had struck each other square on the forehead which resulted in a small wound running diagonally down from their hairlines.

The one who had stood at the altar grabbed the heart and lobbed it weakly down the stairs where it bounced several times before being devoured by the god.

His dismay was apparent when the waiting deity did not solidify and ascend the staps as he was supposed to.

The sun was setting over the temple.

The blood ran down the steps that led up to the altar. The penultimate sacrifice made and the heart cast to the mouth of the figure who waited below waiting for one more.
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