raze they used to be vast expanses that could no more be seen than captured. now they're little more than dots on a shrinking map. i don't know how to encourage them to grow monstrous and unknowable again. i don't think i can. they've made up their minds about what they're going to be, and i am only one hour in a day, with no great weight of my own to throw around. 130909
raze suddenly they're threatening to become very busy, in unexpected ways. i may not be able to stretch them out to the size they used to be, but at least i can fill them with people and things that are good. 140525
raze i was sure wednesday was sunday. now it's saturday, and it feels like the four days between where i thought i was and where i haven't landed yet have softened into one strange fog that won't disperse. i can't keep track of where or when i am anymore. 220521
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