raze it kept me company in the dark.

i let it explore my laptop for a while. testing the edges of the aluminum chassis. walking across the screen. setae skimming glass.

it came to rest on the ninth function keya copolymer plastic square with two right-facing triangles that serves as a prompt to skip ahead when i'm listening to musicand stood there for a minute before flying away.

tender_square it kept me company in the light.

i let it explore the window for a while. testing the barrier of glass and aluminum. walking across the illusion of outside. the beating of transparent wings mimicking its body’s throw against block.

it came to rest on the beige and buckled ceiling. it got hungry and moved to the kitchen, scheming as its joined legs rubbed together. it explored the house for hours.

when i was about to leave, i noticed it in the foyer, hovering near the front door.

it’s now or never,” i said.

i watched it escape into the open air.
raze i thought it was dying.

it set up shop on the table in front of me. even when my finger was almost touching its face, it made no move to get away. two small red circles in a black sea. legs that hadn't licked a meal in days.

instinct or impulse forced it back into the stale breath of its chosen prison.
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