silentbob today i ate a turkey sandwich with lettuce and swiss cheese on a six inch wheat bread sub.
I have never eaten this before.
bijou today i ate a fried plantain. i never have eaten that before. it was good. i wondered if i was allowed to put ketchup on it, cuz that would have made it perfect. 050202
birdmad I miss the little Cuban restaurant in the middle of one of the narrower downtown streets. the sandwiches, the occasional mojito, the music and the lively walls decorated with pictures of the bahias and the santeria iconography and the graffitti greetings of numerous expatriates 050202
bijou teany, on rivington street. i guess it's owned by moby. they make this amazing vegetarian pretend-turkey-club-sandwich that i tried and loved. mmm, pretend turkey.... 050306
raze today's sandwich was nothing special, except for the smell. it didn't smell like the bread or what was on it. it smelled like latex and brought back memories of visits to the orthodontist almost twenty years ago, hours filled with boredom mixed with dread. there were two orthodontists, brothers, and i almost always got the less jovial and less careful of the two. half the time i left with blood in my mouth. more than once the least pleasant brother made some adjustments to my braces and left a sharp part protruding from one of my molars so it cut into my mouth every time i spoke or chewed or parted my lips. at home i would massage an unused blue and white striped birthday candle against the jagged bit of metal, hoping the wax would take some of the edge off. sometimes it would, for a while.

it wasn't the greatest sandwich.
flowerock I got lip pierced by an apprentice at the tattoo shop down town in 2007 before leaving for a few festivals that summer. a week later it bled until I passed out at a friend's place in Philly. I accepted my percieved death clinging to a window sill by te toilette looking at a broken brick building with mostly dead flowers growing from the planyers in the window... Camping with my arm in a sling a new piercing. It got so infected... I couldn't really fit much into my mouth comfortably that wasn't squishy. Sandwhiches were not an option. I ate mostly quinoa with beets and avocados all summer. lesson learned, do not get piercings before traveling. then a couple of years later I got my nose pierced before traveling and living out of a camper van... That piercing didn't last long. 140211
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