DammitJanet The smell has been fading for years now
His smell
It comes and goes, like a faint wind
A whisper
It’s familiar
It’s safe
It’s comforting
It’s sad
A flood comes back to me
Like I’m dying
Memories of how life used to be
But as it goes
He goes
And he's gone
pilgrim One of the most Primal Senses
Deep and Mysterious
Hard Wired
To the Ancient Limbic Triggers
That allowed Life the Luxury of Survival
And gave It Time to Ponder
The Essence of Awareness.
The Faint Chemical Signals
That Conjure Up The Past
And Bind Memory
Image to Scent
Scent to Sensation
Sensation to Reverie
And back to Scent again.
The Comfort of Familiarity.
The Safety of the Clan.
The Awareness
Before the Thought.
no reason i didn't realize you had a distinct smell until i got home and realized i smelled like you 090319
no reason thankfully not like smoke 090319
nr i miss it. it's just one of those things. i think i'm moving past things, or that i want to move past things, but then i remember it or smell it and things come rushing back. 160303
Soma If blather_red were a physical_space I would hope that it smelled distinctly of pine, woodsmoke, and clove.

I would also settle for the smell of perhaps freshly toasted popcorn.
what's it to you?
who go