kyla People Eating Tasty Animals (PETA)

Thank the universe for granting us the rationality, reason, common sense, the sense of humour, which make possible real understanding, empathy, and improvement -- and which make "piteous spectacle" of ignorance, closed-mindedness, hypocrisy, and fanaticism, however politically correct their disguise.

I abet life, and all of life's processes, not because they are 'good' or 'bad', but because they ARE -- and because we are not, without.

This includes the killing and eating of other life, my friends. Organisms eat organisms. Seems to me that it is a woefully unacknowledged concern with the reality of BEING flesh, not with eating it, that keeps biting the animal-rights-vegetarians' cause in the arse.
mean PBIF
People Being Ignorant Fucks
I nominate you for president, kyla dear
silentbob PJDS

people just doing stuff

hi. im hanging around.
bijou boca burger it's not even a challenge, really. just watch ingredients for "gelatain" and "beef tallow". they stick it in alot of food you wouldn't think of as non-vegetarian. 020609
lulie Being a vegetarian is more then not eating meat. It is really trying to eat healthy - an almost impossible thing to do given the way 95% of our food is grown, processed and distributed. 020609
Sonya Having experienced the murderous pleasure of biting into a filet mignon, I can't honestly say that these are easily replaceable by slices of tofu. (And I happen to enjoy tofu very much since I eat a lot of Asian food - I DON'T eat that wannabe substance they sell in American supermarkets.)

Meat isn't necessarily GREAT for you but then again lots of other things aren't great for you. Little things we use everyday can cause cancer but only in extreme quantities. They key is moderation.

Vegetarianism is admirable but I'd hate to be constantly berating people for what they instinctively want to eat. The carnage that takes place when a lion kills a gazelle is heartwrenching, but they do it for survival. Which is worse really? Eating processed meat or scarfing down pill supplements to make up for the lack of vitamins? Those are hardly natural either.
daxle Just because you're a vegetarian doesn't mean you have to constantly berate people for eating meat. As a matter of fact I take all sorts of shit for being a vegetarian and yet give out none to those who aren't.
Also, it's completely possible to get all the nutritional intake you need through only vegetable sources, without vitamins. We get plenty of protein, studies show. Most americans get far too much protein, which is part of why we're overweight as a country. Vegetarians are most often more healthy than non vegetarians, contrary to what propaganda would have you believe.
Sonya I would agree that we do get too much protein, which is why I even went so far as to mention that the key to food intake was MODERATION.

I eat meat but I watch what kinds I eat. Up until 3 weeks ago I probably only ate red meat like once every 2 weeks. It wasn't even a conscious thing but mostly because other meats are leaner and I like seafood a lot more and I do eat a lot of bean curd (tofu).

The main problem probably comes down to the fact that a lot of people just don't take the time to cook or eat things fresh anymore. Most people hardly even eat a real salad or a piece of fruit by the week's end. TV Dinners and Top Ramen seem to steal the show these least from what I've seen in a lot of starving students' diets!

Excess of anything can't be that good.
ecila i think its funny how worked up people on both sides get about this. 020610
cheshire There's no good reason to eat meat, and even less of a good reason to drink milk. There's nothing instinctual about eating meat, you do it because it was given to you when you were youunger. Very few people make the decision to eat meat, you just go along with how things are. Yet so many are given crap about making the decision to not eat meat. Meat isn't food. It's flesh. It's about as appetizing as styrofoam. 020611
Jarec hmmmmmmm. it doesnt really matter, you're killing some other creature no matter what you eat. no matter what, you're a murderer....

now that i have established that we are all cold-blooded killers, i would like to say that if we were not meant to eat meat, we would not have evolved teeth that are designed to eat meat exceptionally well.

in closing, i would like to say that we eat to survive. it doesnt matter what you eat, as long as it sustains you and you enjoy it.
silentbob she is because she got sick of the taste but more than just that. 020803
unhinged i love the 'we have teeth designed to eat meat' excuse for why we should continue to eat meat as a species. we have an appendix that doesn't really do anything and can kill us if it ruptures. we have a 'tail'bone that has evolved to the point that we don't have a tail anymore. as a species, humans have plenty of vestigial parts.

ever try biting a piece out of an eggplant sandwich? veggies need to be torn the same way meat does. canine teeth don't mean you have to tear meat with them.

and even if you don't want to stop eating meat altogether, it's not so hard to have veg days or even just veg meals. this weekend i broke my diet cause it was a special occasion and the thought of a lobster burger was just too enticing. it was the first time in about two months i had any meat. but every now and then i can't help it. *shrugs* do you know how long meat stays in the digestive track? you would probably eat less of it if you did. something like a couple days at the quickest.

carnivores should probably take supplements too. it is a rare person that has a completely balanced diet every single day, no matter the kind of protein they eat.
what's it to you?
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