jenicor the beating, flowing, stretching beneath skin's tenuous grip, i want to sink teeth and fingers and feel into you 010126
birdmad machine 010127
misstree dance 010423
chiidi dead, on a stick 010424
Down Teeth bite flesh and muscle
Fingernails on fleshy backs.
Feel the burn of a thousand orgasms in you loins.
Dig it Daddy-o
soia all the flowers that pretend to be rotting meat
and all the animals that pretend to be plants
and all the people who paint themselves a pretty face
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl he bites
into my neck
the pleasure
worse than the pain
blood like delicate wine
flowing energy from me
to him
his tongue caresses the wound,
sending sharp shockwaves through me
his gentle touch
so ironic
i am now his
no more fighting
he is the inevitable
i will surrender
why fight?

his heavy-lidded eyes smile,
his appetite
filled for once

i wake
his touch but an unclean thought
the hunger quenched
but there are his eyes
boring into me
nothing hidden

i stare at the ceiling
the illusion fades
yet i look in the mirror
to my neck

there is no mark
no trace of the unholy passion
no trace of my weakness
i know it is true
he will come again tonight
my lecherous vampire
will i fight
will i surrender?

night after night
until i have no more that he wants
i will be his
until i bleed dry
and die.
oldephebe to be corrupted and deflowered and set free, staring deeply into darkness' eyes and feel the sharp edge of a knife knowingly knitting it's fear in you and at the same time as your clutch your soul in horror you simultaneously feel as if you've reached, damn that - surpassed the summit of your erotic the instantiation of the vampire as corruption of history blah blah who among us could uphold the ideal of human purity (is THAT ever a non-sequitor) in the face of a charisma that exceeds our imagination..the realm of romance, power, malevolence.."oh dark sire of all my passion" we seem to want to breathlessly say, and yet the bounderies between good and evil (oh such prosaic notions child! oh but i did not know - come clear away my darkness)ahem..the bounderies between them bleed profusely the balconly of our rectitude and rational authority breaks away far too easily - officiousness and the whole governing rubric that kept us safely strapped in to this servility.. gets SERVED - I mean but at this juncture do we definately desert or irretrievably abandon our humanity when we yield our necks to this erotically charged transmutation?...from the first momentwhen those immaculate instruments of his/her teeth graze unbearably upon our jugular the moment becomes framed in fire - So are we just inaugerating another phase our inate and inextricably diachotamous and essentially fallen nature?
So when we receive this illicit bliss bearing the imprimature of a so called Dark Divinity we are bathed in the splendor, the scorching splendor of It's Marrow and Meaning, in eternal fidelity to the shadow branded into template writhing flesh.

So okay I got carried away again. Still loved what you guys wrote though.
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl superior vocabulary just isnt fair lol.
i should probably have posted mine under 'vampire', but i put it under meat for some unknown reason. i like what you said oldphebe, i didnt inderstand some of the words but i liked it anyway.
oE oh yeah..i really gotta learn to whittle down the verbiage..i don't know if it's superior or anything..hemingway, dickens, james baldwin and others wrote some of the most sublime prose and yet never used overwrought or acedemic i got leagues to go..i'm workin' on it though..

yeah your words did inspire me...
eatpaper ooh so delicious. cooked juices and cooked smells, im hungry. 040129
misstree meat meat, it's all just meat, it's games and tricks and illusions and yes, it is falling but it is ascension, there are so many pretty dancing visions up here, you can yell and hear it echo forever... meat is the basal, the vehicle, this side of what we share together... it is the unephemeral, the definable, the tool. it is reminder of End. it is delicious. 040131
crOwl type o blood type requires the protein from meat. 040131
lotuseater people are made of food 040131
eatpaper dig in 040131
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl blather red is meat coloured.
it's kinda sick.
it has words on it like small parasites, feeding at it, making it worse.
maybe thats a bad comparison.
misstree meat is a rawer, richer, meaner red. it glistens, it growls and snaps and gleams. there is nothing subtle about its pulse. there is nothing muted about its edge.

blather_red is the color of hot breath and the insides of eyelids. it sparkles with the places that rub, that startle and shimmer. it is the color of black cherries on the tongue, hints of blossoms barely felt. this red is velvet, these words are fingertips dancing across it.
oE i like mine with a side of horseradish 040304
what's it to you?
who go