walk citywalks at night arms tight and neat hooked and crooked unarmed and unspooked by those lurking in the shadowy causeways and alleyways and liquor mazes haunted by souls shrieking in crimson crazes for days and days his lord's prayer, both of em, lock word and lock step trek the world cliffs and jazz riffs cuttin eyelid visions crisp laser cut new-visions complete with drunk drugged precision. forget you forget me forget new york the fuckin city our states are slippin great ways down to the dogs barkin three heads chompin clip cloppin horsemen stoppin to walk in and purchase three cloves of garlic. grab hold your homes and hearts kept close all your life, bubble wrapped dreams to dream at night are drifting through windows as babes whimper whisps of fright spelled in mist moonlight. there is one and one alone hidden down deep as boring and baked as orange popped coffee dippin scones packed and wrapped in your local coffee bar, sealed jar tight.