birdmad on every other corner of the ghetto (and a church across the street)

...and drugs (beatin' my brain) [lust for life]

...i see good spirits and i see bad spirits

(ghosts are made of the dark matter of the universe, death is inversion, matter trades places at the black_holes and their analogues like banks exchange currencies)

feeling gravity's pull
luck is green yeah, liquor is liquid gravity... that's why drunks fall down so much.. 010714
fallen 'Candy is dandy but liquor is quicker.' 010715
bijou the liquor store is cointelpro. 010822
Sonya Imagine opening your eyes one day and being face to face with a mammoth white mountain. At first you don't know exactly what it is - a mountain or a figment of your imagination, but soon you start to make out a tall hurricane glass. You see the sunlight reflecting off the rim of this glass that's probably 24 feet tall. There at the peak you notice a bright red maraschino cherry, its stem still intact.

Your eyes begin to whirl with delight as they follow the winding pathes created by the wrinkles of the generous dallop of fluffy whipped cream that serves as the cherry's throne. Then it occurs to you. This is no mountain! It's a Pina Colada! You begin to drool as you see the creamy goodness of liquor merged with coconut and ice. Slowly, you walk towards the cool glass and press your hands to it. You leave microscopic prints on the glass and crazily try to climb up.

Tragedy strikes however. You realize that without any sort of equipment, you will be unable to reach the top. "Oh well, at least I can stare it for awhile. It has to melt some time," you say aloud. An evil grin crosses your face as you camp out at the base of this giant pleasure elixir. Suddenly, the sun becomes your best friend.
what's it to you?
who go