raze to hide.
to explore.
to lose yourself.
to search for things you thought you'd lost.
to commit details to memory.
to find ways to forget.
to remake and remodel.
to strengthen a weak foundation.
to rip it all up and start again.
to admire someone else's craftsmanship.
to be a vital part of things.
to stand back and watch.
to fill with hatred.
to fall in love.
to make new_mistakes.
to drown with eyes wide open.
to die and be born again.
to sit and wonder.
to sleep.
to stir.
to create something new.
to conjure fantastic images.
to let them take on a life of their own.
to take your time and drink up the moment.
to scream until your voice is gone.
to find a voice that's brand new.
to rediscover an old one.
to find companions.
to be alone.
to stay.
unhinged ah_blather 130405
tender square even 8 years ago you were writing profound shit, j. woah. 211002
raze i blame the words for grabbing me by the scruff of the neck and saying, "go here. now."

but thank you. :)
what's it to you?
who go