bijou one had a deep cut in its side. carried them up a rocky ozark mountain hill, up a busy plaza street. can't remember which but i left one behind.

it was a dream.
shadow le crowl two siamese kittens we had and we sold them, but it did not make us glad, only sad, and a little richer. 031116
birdmad tonya and shadow, tearing my kitchen down as we speak

two black blurs zipping back and forth across my peripheral_vision, truly detectable only by their collisions, like two furry little particles in an accelerator

slept on my side at the edge of the bed, slept well for the first time in weeks, woke up to find tonya curled up on my hip, and shadow next to my chest, couldn't turn over for fear of falling off one way, squashing a cat the other way and dropping a sleeping kitten either way
Death of a Rose they aren't so little anymore and couldn't be so different in temperments.

Sable has grown increasingly bitchy and touchy with Buzzer. If he even walks by her or comes up too fast to her, it's claw and hiss time. Unless he's doing something when I'm not home...hmmm...

And he's just a big suck-up.
scuzz turned this dog's head. 031116
Anna_Began Sat on my lap last night in a house I'd never been in before with several people I was meeting for the first time. I've been saying all that stuff, after the kitten part, a lot lately. Changes, changes everywhere. 031117
what's it to you?
who go