jane every time i walk from the car to my work building, i walk by a hotel - namely, under a vent for their laundry room. the warm clean laundry smell has hugged me tightly on colder days. 100226
jane magnolia trees are blooming. 100226
jane in the evenings, murders of ravens (i'm talkin' 'bout what seems like thousands here) call out to each other while swarming and putting on a show. black contrasted against the medium darkening blue of the sky. 100226
jane Dali's paw prints.

(they always_always_always make me happy)
jane soda with crushed ice in a styrofoam cup 100226
jane the smell of orange_blossoms. 110418
jane orange spice tea with chocolate creamer. a smoke, a good book, on the porch. 110419
birdmad vanilla coffee with cream and cajeta (goat-milk caramel)

almond scones

Butterscotch and Snowflake curled up on my back while i sleep

My little great-nephew giggling at nothing in particular
jane waking up with Dali on the bed 110421
unhinged (waking up with dogs on beds is nice; last year when i was visiting my brother the dog snuck up on the bed while i was passed out drunk sleeping; he got all excited when i opened my eyes and then flopped his big head over me and sighed when i rolled back over. it would be nice to have a warm fuzzy beast again)

braving the still somewhat wintry weather
what's it to you?
who go