raze you put the beast to sleep to spare yourself the inconvenience of her overtures. all she did was move a chair you weren't going to sit on anyway. a hypodermic needle to the hip, and her eyes go wide. i wake beside her. a thin coat of blood colours our backs. this strange red salt isn't hers. or mine. she says she's always been here. she's the scar vertigo and fireclay made when i was too weak to break my fall. she's the wild thing that bit into my heart each time i sank to my knees. she's the poison that's kept me alive this long. so i stand to face her and wait to be devoured again. 221101
Soma When the darkness purrs
Flexing claws like a cat
When the ground starts to cave
Underneath where you’re sat
When all water quiets
And birdsong goes flat
The beast in our bloodline
Looks something like that
what's it to you?
who go