crOwl perhaps it's smaller
pressing down and starving me of energy
still, i'm always hungry for the sun
as it chews its way out of a depressing grey
cloud cover.

perhaps its moon
is only a reminder
of how lonely the earth is
by itself in a lifeless universe
far away from everything we can see.
stars so tiny that even god,
peering through a curtain of pinholes
could not see us looking for him.

wait it's me.
i'm waving my arms.
i'm jumping up in the air.

find me.
hear my hoarse voice.
smell the sweat of my efforts.
lotuseater tell the clouds to stop moving, they are distracting me. i still have 2 hours of driving to attend to.

the reflections of the sun off of cars keep doing strange things. please tell it to stop. someone else drive, i dont want to anymore. wait... what fucking town am i in now?
desist oppressive and distant
over this hell
my hell
i am hell

every belief was a sweet lie
every truth laughable

the helpless miasma of living

trapped in body
what's it to you?
who go