rt what are your favorite shoes? 100113
jane these old doc martens. i wear them everyday. they have so many holes in them. my coworker Melissa makes fun of all my shoes for being worn out. she even bought me a pair of shoes one time (they gave me horrible blisters and i had to stop wearing them - imagine that!).

the docs are old. they came from e's ex.. lover... for lack of a better term. i have had them for about five years. i've looked for a new pair - one without holes - but i don't even know what size these are, or what model. they are definitely my favorite pair.
cr0wl interesting.

i've been wearing doc martens for 25 years. i wear out the soles but have never produced holes. my newest pair are from christmas, black with steel toes. i'm saving them for the spring garden season.
so, i'm wearing last years about. but i can't proclaim them as my favorite shoes. that title belongs to pumas i bought five years ago in santa monica. perhaps because i only wear them for certain occasions that are always fun.
oh and there are the authentic, handmade leather, oversized, but fit like a glove, red and white clown shoes. and those belong in a whole different class.
what's it to you?
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