native persimmon i thought i was done with finding glee
in harming those who did harm to me -
but now just in turning my back i find
in this cold-shoulder way am i unkind.
unhinged on myself what i know is wrong to inflict on others
bottled up

sometimes i can't help but
take it out on others
i've only got so much room inside
and when it emptys out
i have more than enough room
to feel bad again

stupid cycle
the devil i'm stuck in the dark,
Paris Hilton could cope with a new experience,
shes been living it up her whole life,
what did the devil do?
punish people?
6* hotels !
they should be therapy centres - i already told you.
huh ! don't send Paris Hilton to the dark !

send her to poverty- show her what the truth is.
she doesn't know, she has never got on a plane on her own.

she is not a bad person - just no guts.

she irresponsible - so is Geoge Bush - so what -
go to Africa together - live in a hut for a year then you will understand.
what's it to you?
who go