epitome of incomprehensibility
On Thursday I had to go to the dentist. The appointment had the general effect of frustrating me, since the dentist unexpectedly announced a scheduled x-ray, putting the total near $200, and told me to come back not next year but next month, to get some little cavities filled. I walked home instead of taking the bus, angry in a determined sort of way, trying to find a focus for the anger. Sugar. That was it. And bad-tooth genetics - but many people would be jealous of my genetic predisposition for thinness... though medium-size people, my father says, have the evolutionary advantage, being more adaptable. If there's a famine, the skinny people usually die first... (At any rate, I should be glad that I live in a place and time with dentists). My thoughts went like this, but less meandering and more determined. I resolved not to eat desserts or candy for a month. In December! Beverages wouldn't count, since it's not like I'm guzzling Coke each day, and I wanted to enjoy a bit of sangria and ginger ale and such. Breads, reasonably healthy cereals, and other non-dessert foods with small amounts of added sucrose wouldn't count either. Well, it took me until next day to find an acceptable loophole: I can eat one dessert for every job application I finish. I'm not holding my breath that I'll get a job with a comprehensive dental plan, but I need something more than just tutoring anyway if I can't get a writing project done. So, I limit my sugar intake. Makes sense. Ha. I just remembered how on Friday I ate a whole bunch of chips.