guitar_freak meaningless
if you want to talk, go to a CHAT ROOM
get on the phone
do something, but not THAT shit
not here

I'm sick of people adding bull just so their word list gets longer
please, not here
blather gestapo *beating random blatherers over head with club* 011127
nocturnal ouch! damnit! stop that! what the?

is admittedly one of the accused.
moonshine blather infection 011128
unhinged i love it how people comment about people on blue here on red knowing full well that the culprits on blue don't even know red exists. hehe 011128
guitar_freak pray they never find the way to this new home 011128
nocturnal and if they do, I vote to make a green one. 011128
Norm Bury yourself deep, you dirty fuckers. At home in the mud like a pig, head buried in the sand like a cowardly bird, sleep the day away like a little whore after a late night. Close your eyes my poor girl maybe they can't see you... Just roll over and die and turn out the light so they won't know you're scared. Pathetic... 011128
nocturnal at the risk of sounding blonde (no offense), did I miss something? cuz I don't get it. 011128
guitar_freak I don't either.
Nocturnal, you brought up a question.
Who made red blather and was their reason blather_infestation?
nocturnal same people who made blue, I would guess. I wouldn't know their motives. if the infestation was one, more power to them. as I mentioned however, I'm partially to blame. sorry, kids. 011202
yesh Since I've seen red mentioned in blue_blathes, I think the jig is already up, as it were. 011203
nocturnal not until it gets as bad over here as it is over there. 'tis far from up. 011203
chanaka we can scare them off, if need be... 011203
birdmad and then we'll beg the blather gods for green or somesuch thing 011203
nocturnal as long as we have an alliance, I think we can beat the obnoxious ones. power to the people! 011203
wicker man is there no place to hang the severed heads and limbs of the horde to serve as a warning to the others

like Vlad Tepes' warning to the Ottomans
guitar_freak Reign of Terror led by the Blatherites!!! 011203
nocturnal we all knew it was inevitable. somebody's gotta regulate this shit. 011203
wicker man ~~sharpens pikes and prepares~~ 011204
silentbob i vote black instead of green

but thats just me
guitar_freak you can't regulate blather!!!
that wouldn't be right
more overbearing censorship
Sonya It all seems like picking and choosing some words over others. Blather is nonsensical...unrestrained...undefined...

The fact is that none of us can shed our sense of elitism and our preferences will always remain. We can try to filter out those who we deem obnoxious and meaningless, but people have their freedom to say what they wish where they wish. There's no sense in expending energy trying to control what we cannot - the mighty blather universe.
wicker man i know, i was just feeling violent

(i'm an incorrigible bastard like that sometimes)
unhinged yeah but it doesn't hurt to put some well placed words as thorns in little kiddies sides who don't know what a telephone is hoping that eventually they will be pissed away 011206
Sonya true. Their stuff can be ignored though...just don't respond to it and see how long they stick around.

I wonder though if blather is really the free forum it's supposed to be though judging from the fact that most blatherers obviously expect writings of a certain standard or type.
ClairE cool it's red 011207
nah....! neato 011207
a concerned lurking friend just kidding 011207
Sonya Trying to instill some fear huh?

Blue or red, red or blue, what are we to do?
nocturnal haha. you are such a bitch. I swear, I was reading that, and I said rather loudly, "OH, F--" cuz then I saw the just kidding. you gave me quite a scare there. 011208
Sonya I realize I'm probably a hypocrite now for saying this because initially I wasn't that concerned with filtering content, but I find myself with less desire to post anything on blue blather.

Some of the people there feel the apparent need to paste AOL Instant Messenger conversations or other chat logs on there. What is the relevance of all that and how are we supposed to "add" anything to that kind of entry?!

A lot of blatherskites' absences are noticeable too. There are those of you who I truly admire and whose entries I always read though. I think I shall be lurking for awhile.
observation there's some irony in you saying that, you know 011213
Sonya Yes I know. I'm certainly not absolving myself, but as we have the freedom to express our opinions we also have the freedom to remain silent and/or leave. The latter sounds more appealing at this time.

I also love when people conceal who they are. Masquerades are entertaining to a certain extent...
used to love blather i enjoy red much more than blue these days but i havent posted here much. and after reading these blathes im not sure if i should. i want to, but im afraid that i might be one of the ones who isnt liked very much. and as im typing this im wondering how people will respond to it. will you tell me that if i like red more than blue then its cool and i shouldnt be afraid. or will some smartass tell me that if im so scared, why did i blathe this in the first place. or are the people at red not as mean as the people at blue? id really like to know. 011214
a nice person i love you. 011214
chanaka perhaps we are all taking this topic too seriously?
ignoring people who don't meet your standards is easier than withdrawing
silentbob yeah you dont see me withdrawing 011214
chanaka oh, and did you notice how this post turned into a "chat room" too?
oh, the irony...
used to love blather many people (or maybe only a few with different names) need to take chanaka's advice. ignore people who dont meet your standards. (that was very well put by the way) thats a much better way to deal with them but some feel the need to insult as im sure all of you have seen recently in blue.
its sad. i just sit back and watch it ask "why??"
i guess im seeing a different kind of blather infestation. this bothers me much more than people using it as a phone/chat room.
Norm As I see it, you people don't think badly towards this type of chat. I mean, technically, you're still talking about the "infestation" at least you're not saying things like "What do you look like? A/S/L? LOL!" I think thats was the fall of the blue blather empire. 011214
Sonya As soon as a person states an opinion or expresses a thought, he or she must know that they have the 50/50 chance of being loved or hated after that. It's very true for the blather universe. It takes more courage to put yourself out there than to conceal your identity. So whoever you are, just go for it.

And it's pretty noticeable that quite a few people have already left. I think rather than wuss out like I was considering, I will keep coming around. I don't want to miss all of your blathes. Please, please keep writing, thinking, and blathing. You may not know it, nor accept it, but you are inspiring to a pathetic someone thousands (perhaps millions) of miles away. If anything that's why I come around and read your thoughts.

Perhaps the real infestion is the bitter judgment and bickering that so easily spews from our heads? Time for me to improve. Take care blatherskites.
lookie here... its me thats the infestation i was talking about. 011214
lookie here but im not sure ive used "lookie here" here before,
Norm Cough, cough... Blather's sick. Get out the anti-biotics before there's an epidemic.

Wait I forgot, I don't care.
Annie111 This is quite elitist and quite disgusting to read. I'm sorry. 011218
Norm For some reason I can't stop laughing... Just can't imagine why. 011218
guitar_freak don't fret. blather will go blather_bad and all will cycle around to new. history repeats itself and nothing in the past is new 011219
Mahayana: Zakah: Sangha Jewels of Refuge [what if i am on the wrong side of the tracks- what will happen to me- i am already so self-conscious]?

i am blue, trapped inside these red walls, somehow i dont feel safe anymore, my *kind* is not welcomed? i am judged by the color of thy lexus...

[how do we know that what appears to be AIM conversations and/or chats is not really a blathered script of sorts ... a blatering of working through issues... a blather practice of what we would have liked to have said... a blathered utopian society]

the gods and/or goddesses of blather hath said:

"blather is words. bunches of words, strewn about in a twisty tangly web of pontification, insight and nonsensical delight."

are not chats ... conversations... chatrooms ... poetry... ponderings... wishes spoken out loud... arguements... typed screams ... whispers .. all words? all strewn about in twisty tangly webs of pontiifications, with their own insight and nonsensical delights ... even if we do not understand, respect, and/or find delight in others words ... are they too not just words when you strip away the judgements, environments inwhich they are birthed, formats presented ... arent they too just blathers?

[what if i am on the wrong side of the tracks- what will happen to me- i am already so self-conscious]?
DannyH The quality of argument in this strand and the respect I have for its contributors prevents me from ignoring it altogether as I usually do with this kind of collective missing the point fest, but I have to say I find it hilarious to see people squabbling over their infinite share of an infinite amount of space. Blather's been going downhill since day one. If you want to make blather better, contribute something good. I have been both a victim and a perpetrator of these alleged blather-infestations and after nearly a year the only thing that really gets me down about blather is THIS FUCKING BORING ARGUMENT. 011220
distorted tendencies soon this will be like blue. 011221
Annie111 And it's all the same in the end. So let's just blather and not argue. 011221
psychobabe well this place does rule and blue blather was the best at one time. It still kinda is cept the fact that you can hardly say anything without it already being a wherd. This place most likely wont be secretive soon, some people have mentioned it in blue_blather. Sadly its true, hopefully sometime tho if it does over-run they'll make a different color :) like purple, orange, green, yellow. Personally i'd kinda like to see orange blather *smiles* 011227
Jenna Ouu purple. Purple would be good. 011227
silentbob i move people stop talking in this blathe because its getting long for no reason at all. 011228
the shadow it's like war, always lurking, always around the corner.


one never knows when the festering pustules of blue will burst and ooze in this direction.
belly fire ew...
uow sorries for all my depressing mess 040827
raze funny how we've gone from complaining about the noise, to mourning the lack of noise. we never dreamed back then that it would ever get so quiet_in_here, did we? 131114
what's it to you?
who go