water lillies As loud as I wanted
Ah. Okay. Where were we?

Everything is happening at lightning speed. I have to get back to writing it down, or I’ll forget. One morning, you wake up and you’re 33 years old, with two dogs and a spouse and a refrigerator full of esoteric vermouths and amari, and the next morning, you wake up and you’re 34 years old, with two dogs, a spouse, and a 12-week-old child in a bouncy chair on the floor in front of the refrigerator. The other day at a doctor’s checkup, I actually told the nurse that I was 33, because I forgot that I’d had a birthday. 33, 34, same thing. In any case, I’m still a baby when I get a shot.
unhinged the next morning
we ran into his neighbors in the backyard
they looked at us
through downcast eyes
slight little smirks

i poked him in the side
'they definitely heard me last night'
what's it to you?
who go