amy costs nada i'm feeling like doing this, since the more time you put into them, the more energy-sappy they become. but i won't, because it's kind of hard to just shut those doors. facebook would be harder to do than twitter, but it's facebook that just seems like dead weight. oh, well. i've always fantasized about blather shutting down as well, just for a change of pace, but feel tied down in some kind of existential way. the internet is kinda cool and kinda just.... distracting. makes me just zone out, like TV used to, and I know that if it didn't exist, I'd be far more productive.

who cares though, right? i'm only here to help destroy the planet and then move on to a it's-gotta-be-better world. (not). and then also, if i didn't need so much sleep, i'd be far more productive as well, and who or what is at fault for that? meds, genes, whatever, can't help but Platherize it, it's a trash......

of course, i only think this way when writing at blather, probably because it seems so useless. no blame to blatherskites though. i'm used to people not really listening to me, surrounded by them, actually. so i just write like i expect it. sheesh, sorry.

because in the end, i just want to be functioning member of the society. shouldn't be blaming everything and everybody!

that's it. Happy Groundhog Day.
cr0wl i love you. 100202
amy costs nada yeah, well, that's just a tactic and a deflection, crowl. at any rate, i was sincerely channeling salinger who was just as reclusive as i'm bound to wind up. 100202
what's it to you?
who go