Soma The me I am is different when I am medicated. Days like today I find myself a weeping mess of stinging salted tears and bloated capillaries. Trembling as a foal in fear of the world around it, unsteady with feet that others use so well. In my heart crashes a cacophony of feeling and feeling and so much feelingevery emotion all at once an unbearable roar in my head.

A sliver of divinity, I think.

What a terrible thing, this dark blessing. Eyes as rivers, with waters rising to look upon all of creation and weep with the knowing that it is all wonderful and terrible, a never ending marvel that is utterly finite as well.

A sliver of insanity, I know.

Soon will come the clumsy noise of little pills on plastic, and an alarm clock will tell me that it's time again. Don't miss them, I say. But sometimes I forget. I forget what it's like to be divine. I forget what it's like to be mortal. They're both a curse. Hell exists as a doing of my own two hands hands.
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