silentbob i would never erase you
i will never erase you
nomme) stars 050706
unhinged and i'm pushing the button
i don't know you anymore
i think i had a dream of you
the other night
where you loved me like you used to
but i can't say for sure
the dream like an old memory
at the edge of my tired brain
and then i woke up
opened my eyes
and it was gone
all i can see of it
curls and teeth
a smile
i would love to hear your voice again
i'm weak today
i'm glad a pushed the button
and had you erased
raze the same thing keeps happening. the faces change, the years fall away, but the words are always the same.

time_passes_but_people_remain_constant. and maybe i should feel like i've dodged a series of bullets, but that doesn't stop the air around them from stinging my face, while my own weapon fails to fire.

click. click. click.
what's it to you?
who go