bijou i have three shows to see. friday my_boys from kosher have a show at el torreon. it's sposed to snow alot though, i hope it's not cancelled. saturday is cub county with the guy from jets to brazil AND blake from jawbreaker. that will be fun. sunday night will be the best, i think. the dragons from san diego are playing the hurricane. i hope the snow doesn't ruin everything. 020228
birdmad art detour 020301
silentbob mixtape making 020301
continuous ache i probably won't remember most of it...

-my coping skills are excellent-

(or not.)
misstree a going away party for my best friend for years, as she is moving to san francisco with a man who is determined to be an old man before his time.

in other words, drunkenness, then depression.
silentbob you sound kind of down misstree.
chin up, short stop!
misstree naw, i'm not really down about it yet... more worried than anything, and it's been slowly leaking some sort of angerish-fluid for a couple weeks, but so it goes.
plus, alcohol makes everything better! *looks around to see if anyone believed her* ;)
bijou weekend_update

show #1 was cancelled. let's see how the rest go.

is it snowing where you are, blatherers? cuz it sure is here.
bijousunhealthyobsession this_weekend i met blake from jawbreaker. sweet man. he looks so much older than i imagined. but then i suppose bivouac came out in 92 and thats the only picture i have. 020307
what's it to you?
who go