epitome of incomprehensibility One, too close or too far to or from too many things too often. Two, many things. 141019
nr a constant issue for me. i have never been close to anything i've been close to. 141020
e_o_i Did you write that before? I'm having a sort of deja-vu (too lazy to bother with the accents) thing that you said the phrase before. 141020
nr ha... it's possible that i said something similar, though i don't think i've said this exact phrase? i hope not. but maybe i have and i'm just recycling myself. 141020
e_o_i Probably it reminded me of something else, but the original thing got forgotten. That's how missing-accent deja-vu usually works.

On a related note, I've no idea what I meant by the first entry yesterday. I think the word just popped into my head and I wrote a tongue twister about it.
what's it to you?
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